
Hos Penlink fokuserer vi på at levere kvalitet i alt, hvad vi gør

Vi vælger et brett utbud af løsninger til alle vores produkter, til eksempel släpringar, svivlar, pulsgivare, gyros, kamerasystem og servokomponenter (viser motorer og motorstyrningsenheter).

Vores udvalg af produkter

Penlinks team arbejder hårdt for at sikre, at vores tjenester tilbyder høj standard og pålidelighed. Gennem test og nyskabende tænkning arbejder konstant på at forbedre produkterne. Uanset om du leder efter en standardiseret, brugerdefineret eller integreret løsning, kan vi hjælpe dig!

Rotations transmission, encoder, inertial sensorer, elektrooptik og servokomponenter er Penlinks hovedfokus. Vi tilbyder en bred vifte af løsninger til alle produkter i hver gruppe, der spænder fra sviller, drejelige, kodere, gryoskop, kameraer med lavt lys og servokomponenter (såsom DC-motorer og drev).

Kontakt os for mere information. Vi hjælper dig med at designe dit næste projekt!

Integrated Slip Ring Solution

For Satcom-Platforms

This custom rotary joint offers a large bore electrical slip ring to provide data, power and communication to a SATCOM-platform. The large bore offers the possibility to put through fiber optic communication or/and RF channels. Integrated with a high accuracy low profile encoder it not only insures easy integration but also reliability in the system.

Contact us for more information!

3-Axis Tactical Grade Gyroscope

Platform Stabilization

We are delighted to introduce to you our latest productthe 3-Axis Tactical Grade Gyroscope. With a digital output, the GI-CVG-A23XXD allows users to make accurate measurements of three orthogonal rate rotations.

Read more about our custom Gyroscopes

I195A Custom Servo Drive

Next Generation Mobile Radars

The i195A is a highly reliable servo drive designed for the direct drive of radar antennas at low speeds and high accuracy. The i195A is a high performance servo drive designed to drive mobile radar antennas. It includes an ultra-efficient power stage and EMI filtering to pass the most restrictive regulations.

Read more about the I195A Servo Drive

Magnetic Encoder HS44

Replaces Competitive Models without Rewiring

The HS44 offers high performance, magnetic durability and moisture resistance in a compact package with drop-in ease of replacement at a great value. Our HS44 encoders are a direct fit for 12mm, 16mm and 17mm (10:1 taper) generator (and motor) center-bolt shaft systems. The optional ceramic bearings offer high voltage isolation from shaft currents.

Read more about our HS44 Magnetic Encoder

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